- Passendale
Oct 12th 2022, 105 years after the battle, at the anniversary of New Zealand's Blackest Day, the New Zealand fallen soldiers again were commemorated at the New Zealand Memorial at 's Graventafel, Passendale (Zonnebeke).
Master of ceremony was Wing Commander Gareth Russel (RNZAF). The service was led in prayer by Rev. Andrew McMullon. The New Zealand Ambassador H. E. Diana Reaich attended as did the British Military Attaché Group Captain John and local military and civil officials.
On the 12th of October 1917, 846 young New Zealanders were killed in the Battle of Passchendaele in Belgium, with many more to die over the coming days from the wounds received on this one day. By the end of the day the total number of casualties, the wounded, the dead and the missing was 2,740. It took two and a half days to clear the battlefield of the dead and injured.
Kei waraware Tatou. Lest we forget
Op 12 oktober 2022 werd opnieuw Nieuw Zeeland's zwartste dag herdacht, 105 jaar later, bij het Nieuw Zeelandse gedenkteken op 's Graventafel te Passendale. De ceremonie werd geleid door Wing Commander Gareth Russel (RNZAF) en voorgegaan in gebed door Rev. Andrew McMullon. De Nieuw Zeelandse Ambassadeur, H. E. Diana Reaich woonde de plechtigheid bij alsook de Britse Militaire Attaché Group Captain John Dickson en verschillende lokale militaire en burgerlijke autoriteiten.
Op 12 oktober 1917 sneuvelden in korte tijd 846 jonge Nieuw Zeelanders in de Slag bij Passendale. Tegen het einde van de dag liep de tol aan gewonden, doden en vermisten nog hoger op, tot 2740. Twee en een halve dag lang werden doden en gewonden van het slagveld gehaald.
Kei waraware Tatou. Lest we forget
welcome and introduction by Master of ceremony Wing Commander Gareth Russell (RNZAF)
The NZ Ambassador, H. E. Diana Reaich (centre), Gr. Captain John Dickson (Military Attaché UK), and J. Jonckheere Alderman of Zonnebeke.
General view
Revd. Andrew McMullon leads in prayer
address by NZ Ambassador, H. E. Diana Reaich
wreath laying by NZ Ambassador, H. E. Diana Reaich
wreath laying and salute by NZ Ambassador, H. E. Diana Reaich
wreath laying by Wing Commander Gareth Russell RNZAF
wreath laying and salute by Wing Commander Gareth Russell RNZAF
wreath laying by aldermen on behalf of the town of Zonnebeke
wreath laying by a Belgian military delegation
wreath laying by a 2nd. Belgian military delegation
Wreath laying by Gr. Captain John Dickson (Military Attaché UK) on behalf op the British Embassy.
Wreath laying and salute by Gr. Captain John Dickson (Military Attaché UK) on behalf op the British Embassy.
Wreath laying by the European director of the CWGC dhr. Bekaert
Wreath laying by Col. Onraedt on behalf of the RBL Ypres Branch
Wreath laying on behalf of the Passchendaele Society.
Pokarekare Ana sung by Lies Verholle.
the Exhortation in Maori and English read by Wing Commander Gareth Russell.
Last Post by the buglers of the Last Post Association (Ypres)
standards salute during the Last Post
military salute during the Last Post
standards salute during the Last post
Lies Verholle sings both the New Zealand and Belgian Anthem
salute during the performing of the Anthems
salute during the performing of the Anthems
final prayer by Revd. McMullon
closing the ceremony and quoting this Maori poverb:
"He aha te mea nui o te ao He tangata, he tangata"
What is the most important thing in the world? It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.
Referring to the fact that we are the protectors and nurturers of our next generation.
It is our responsibility to ensure they are fully geared up to live good, fruitful, safe live.

page made by / pagina aangemaakt door Frank Mahieu