- Poelkapelle
On 27 Sept. 2023 at 10.30AM a burial service for Private William James Meager and for two unknown soldiers took place at Poelcapelle British Cemetery (Belgium).
Private Meager died, aged 38, on 18 August 1917 while serving with the 16th Bn. The Middlesex Regiment (Public Schools). Initially he served with the 4th Bn. The Middlesex Regt. from 1915 untill abt. June 1917. He had no known grave untill now and so his name was/is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial.
The ceremony was attended by relatives of Pte. William Meager and by British & Belgian military and civil authorities.The miitary protocol was performed by the 3rd battalion, The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment, successors of the Middlesex Regiment. Rev. Paul Collins conducted the service. The MOD (JCCC) organised the ceremony and the new headstones as usual were provided by the CWGC who will take care of it in perpetuity.
May the two unknown soldiers and Pte William Meager now REST IN PEACE and be remembered for ever.
NL :
Op 27 september om 10.30u had een begafenisplechtigheid plaats voor Pte. William James Meager en twee onbekende Brits soldaten op Poelcapelle British Cemetery. Pte. Meager diende bij het 16th Battalion The Middlesex Regiment, en sneuvelde 18 augustus 1917 op de leeftijd van 38 jaar. Oorspronkelijk diende hij bij het 4th Bn.The Middlesex Regt. van 1915 tot ong. juni 1917. Tot nu had hij geen gekend graf en werd herdacht op het Tyne Cot Memorial.
De plechtigheid werd bijgewoond door familie van Pte. Meager en door Britse en Belgische militaire en burgerlijke autotreiteiten en andere belangstellenden. Het miitaire protocol werd verzorgd door het 3rd battalion, The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment,de opvolgers van het Middlesex Regiment. Aalmoezenier Rev. Paul Collins leidde de dienst die werd georganiseerd door de MOD (JCCC). Zoals altijd zorgde de CWGC voor het nieuwe graf en de grafsteen en zij zullen er ook blijvend zorg voor dragen.
De twee onbekende soldaten en Pte William Meager rusten nu in vrede en we blijben hen herdenken.

standard of the (former) Middlesex Regiment

Men of the the 3rd battalion, The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment carry the coffin.

The firing party marching in.

Rev. Paul Collins conducted the service, opening address & prayers.
Mrs Catherine Meager, great niece of Pte. Meager, read the text 'Since They Have Died' (May Wedderburn)

folding of the flag
the final interment

placing the head gear anew

Volley of shots by the firing party
Exhortation read by Cpl Trevor Francis (who also recited the Kohima epitaph)

The Last Post sounding

military slaute during the Last Post
standads dip in salute
the flag is handed to Pte. Meager's family.
wreath laid by Mr. Axel Lange of the British Embassy, Brussels.
wreath laid by an Alderman of the town of Langemark-Poelkapelle
wreath laid by the family of Pte. Meager
wreath laid by the Officer of the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment
wreath laid by Lt. Col. Isabelle Lahaye, Provincial Commander of the Province of West Flanders
wreath laid on behalf of the Queen's Regimental Assocation, Middlesex Branch.

wreath laid by Mr. G. Bekaert director of the CWGC Central and Southern Europe

Wreath laid at each of the graves by Col. Onraedt on behalf of the RBL Ypres

wreath laid by the archeologists who exhumed the remains of Pte. Meager.

wrath laid by Mr. Johan Dejonghe of the Passchendaele Society

the representatives of the MOD 'War Detectives (JCCC) lead buy Mrs Tracey Bowers (center)

final prayer and blessing by Rev. Collins

the final inerment act by the family and other

the color party

the grave of one of the unknown British soldiers. LWF
the grave and headsrtone of Pte. William James Meager

he grave of the 2nd unknown British soldier. LWF and below his story:
page made by/ pagina aangemaakt door Frank Mahieu