Tribute to the King Albert I and the Heroes of the Yser - Nieuwpoort - 04/08/2024
On Sunday 4 August 2024, the 89th National Tribute to His Majesty King Albert I and the Heroes of the Yser was organised in Nieuwpoort. As per annual custom, the ceremony took place at the foot of the imposing King Albert I monument. The National Tribute was organised in memory of the fallen of the First World War.
Town of Nieuwpoort and the nation paid tribute on Sunday 4 August 2024 to King-Soldier Albert I, who lost his life 90 years ago in a climbing accident, and all Belgian soldiers who died during the Great War.
Every year, this tribute can count on the presence of hundreds of flag bearers from all over Belgium and a wide public interest. This makes this ceremony one of the most important and extensive commemoration ceremonies in Belgium.

With an impressive procession from Langebrug to the equestrian statue of Albert I, the assembled flag bearers gave the official starting shot of the National Homage at 10 am. The procession was watched by the Representative of His Majesty the King. Besides delegates from the French and British embassies, quite a few representatives of various administrative, military and patriotic bodies were also present.
Occasional speeches were made at the monument on behalf of the town of Nieuwpoort and the Royal Association of Veterans and Sympathisers of King Albert I. The youth also brought a message of hope and peace. In between, the audience could enjoy appropriate musical interludes.
The National Tribute was shown on the spot at the King Albert I monument on big screen. The ceremony was also livestreamed via the YouTube channel and the Town of Newport's Facebook page.
Following the National Tribute to His Majesty King Albert I and the Heroes of the Yser, further tributes took place at the British Nieuport Memorial, the memorial column of the French 81st Territorial Infantry Division and the Yser Memorial. 

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