Old railway 'The road to Passchendale'
Practical info
Old railway Ieper-Roeselare behind Tyne Cot Cemetery
Zonnebeke, Zonnebeke
GPS-Reference R6297 - ZONNEBEKE - Restant oude spoorweg
DMSX N 50°53'08.4" - E003°00'12.6"
DMX N 50°53.141' - E003°00.211'
D N 50.885679° - E003.003511°
UTM 31U E 500247 N 5637112
GOOGLE EARTH 50 53.140 N, 003 00.211 E
• Mapquest
Remains of an unknown Lancashire Fusilier were found here in May 2005 during archaeological excavations on the former Ypres-Roulers railway, 300m from Tyne Cot cemetery. On 9 October 1917 six battalions of the Lancashire Fusiliers took part in a final push to take the railway and the ridge at Poelkapelle. 307 men were killed in action; 247 ofthem have no known grave and are commemorated on the rear wall of the cemetery. The Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917 unveiled a plaque on the spot where he was found and where a preserved section of the wartime railway has been restored. This now forms part of a walking and cycle path.
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