Memorial of The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Practical info
The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Behind the Tyne Cot Cemetery, on the right of the path leading to the visitors centre
Passendale, Zonnebeke
GPS-Reference R6301 - PASSENDALE - KOYLI
DMSX N 50°53'12.2'' - E003°02'02.4''
DMX N 50°53.270' - E003°00.040'
D N 50.887837° - E003.000669°
UTM 31U E 500047 N 5637352
GOOGLE EARTH 50 53.270 N, 003 0.0401 E
• Mapquest
This memorial for the The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry was created by the Leeds City Council in cooperation with the Community of Zonnebeke to mark the 90th anniversary of the Third Battle of Ypres. The memorial was dedicated on the 12th July 2007 as part of the official commemorations of the 90th anniversary of the Third Battle of Ypres. Young people from Leeds who had relatives who fought and died at Passchendaele were at the ceremony; their inclusion formed a link across the years to promote the memory of those who fought and those who were lost. In the First World War the regiment lost a total of 9,447 men killed in action. During the Third Battle of Ypres the regiment was awarded Battle Honours for the battles of Langemarck, Menin Road, Polygon Wood, Broodseinde, Poelcapelle and Passchendaele Ridge. Private W. Edwards, 7th KOYLI, won the Victoria Cross at Langemarck and Lieutenant Colonel H. Moorhouse and his son Captain R.W. Moorhouse, 1/4th KOYLI, were among those killed on 9 October 1917 during the attack on the Belle Vue Spur wich forms the landscape lying behind and beyond the memorial. In addition to those who made the ultimate sacrifice, this memorial pays tribute to the bravery and fortitude of all those who survived the conflict, and the City of Leeds is aware of the enormous contribution of millions throughout the whole of WWI.
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