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Private JACK CASSELL 4260 C Company 1st Bn., Royal Warwickshire Regiment who died on Sunday 25 April 1915. Age 32. YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL Panel 8 Killed in action in the early hours of the morning of sunday 25th April 1915 at Kitchener's Wood and Mouse Trap Farm, St. Julien Ypres. Initially posted as missing, later confirmed as killed in action on that date. Originally from Hinckley in Leicestershire, England, living in Bedworth, Warwickshire at time of enlistment, at Nuneaton. Son of Thomas and Rhoda Cassell, father was Hinckley's last Town Crier. Beloved brother of Arthur James Cassell. Jack was carpenter by trade. Married to Ginny Hanley, he had five children at the time of his death: Elsie, Patience, Frederick, Rene and one son, unknown. Played football for the Unitarian Chapel team and sang in the choir. He had previously served during the Boer War in the RAMC and a medal ribbon can be seen above his left breast pocket.
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